Traditional Apple Crumble


It’s funny how the environment that surrounds you influence your diet. When I lived in Britain, I cooked many traditional European comfort food dishes after which I was obliged to run at least 5 miles before I come back and eat another portion. 
In this recipe I’ll show you how to cook traditional British apple crumble.

What is the most important ingredient here? Hmm… I would like to say everything, but if I get to pick one, then perhaps I would choose apples.  Apples you’ll choose for your sweet dish must exude a sweet fragrance and be no larger than a fist (well, maybe two fists, but certainly not more). And please choose organic ones. 

Serving size – 4 

List of Ingredients

Apples - 1 kg

Butter, cold - 200 grams

Cold water - 4 tbsp

Sugar for apples - 110 grams

Sugar for crumble - 60 grams

Plain flour - 280 grams

Cinnamon - 2 tsp

Oatmeal - 60 grams


Remove the core. I use a corer for that so it makes the process easier.

If you don’t have a corer, do it in old-fashioned way or get one from your local utensil store. It’s incredibly helpful if you cook a lot with apples.

Peel the apples and cut them into medium chunks. Put your apples int the saucepan with 4 tablespoons of water and cook over medium heat for approx. 25 minutes stirring occasionally. If your apples start sticking to the pan add some more water.

When the apples become soft and brownish add 110 grams of sugar and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. Give it a little stir, lower the heat and cook for 5 more minutes. Cool your apples before putting into a baking dish.

Make the crumble. In a separate bowl, crumble cold butter *, flour, oatmeal, and 60 grams of sugar together. It is better to do it by hands, because blender can accidentally turn your crumble into a purée.

* Cold butter is a must. Only in this condition it is possible to turn it into crumble. Otherwise, you’ll get an oily mixture that will smutch you to elbow and leave you in sorrow without tasty dessert.

When the crumble is ready put your apples into a baking dish.

Sprinkle your crumble mixture over apples evenly. Preheat the oven to 200 C (400 F) degrees and bake for about 45 minutes.

When the crumble crust becomes golden, your dessert is ready and you can start making some tea.

Serve hot with whipped cream, lemon jam, coffee or tea.

Bon Appetit!


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